
Best CSGO Crosshair (The Ultimate Guide)


CS:GO crosshair generators are the best way to customize your HUD in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Valve enables players to customize the crosshair using various generators and commands.

The standard option is by many considered annoying and lackluster, and players are seeking alternatives.

Here you will find the answer to some of the most important questions regarding Crosshairs and CS:GO.

You will also find practical info on how to implement and generate your next favorite one.

We hope you will find the best crosshair code for your needs in 2020.

The Adventory CS:GO Crosshair Guide

What is a CSGO crosshair?

Valve has tweaked the options over the years and give players a lot of room to experiment.
Quite some people are looking to replicate the crosshair of their favorite players, others go for the same looks as they used back in CS 1.6.
In both cases, there are many resources, and tools available to help players find the best CS:GO crosshair for their play style.
The game is filled with distinct types of CS:GO crosshairs, and it can be a daunting task to choose at first.
It’s a better idea to focus on the gameplay in the beginning and wait with the heavy customization.

What is a CSGO crosshair generator?

If you for some reason do not want to copy the crosshair from any of the pros but instead want to try out your own.
There are CS:GO crosshair generators available on the web, and they are almost always free!
The CSGO crosshair generator lets you customize the looks and colors using a graphical interface.
After the design is done you may convert it into text for input inside the config file, or the console in-game.

Why should I change the crosshair in CSGO?

Changing the crosshair is easy if you know the CS:GO Crosshair Commands. There is a series of text inputs, and the best way is to copy/paste the code from either a generator or from someone else’s config.
The best way is to add your commands to the config file, so it gets loaded every time you start the game. Another way is to bring down the console and add the right commands as you go.
There is a wide variety of options when it comes to CS:GO crosshair colors, the choice is completely up to you.
It’s a clever idea to pick a color with sharp contrast to the map environment. It’s bad if your crosshair color gets blended into the walls and obstacles.

Why are crosshairs important?

According to many, there is no such thing as the best CS:GO crosshair, it’s all about personal preference.
If you still want to try a crosshair that has proven its own value, you can look at what the pros are using.

What is CSGO dot crosshair?

The most popular crosshair, and the cleanest option. The CS:GO dot crosshair shows only a bright dot in the center of the screen, showing exactly where to aim.
Worth noting is that there is no visual feedback when the recoil is altering your spray pattern, and you will have to adjust for that on the fly.
Most veteran players know this in their muscle memory and are annoyed by any visual cues in the game.

How to change crosshair is CSGO

To change the crosshair to suite your preference we recommend you start by checking out the generators and pro-guides listed below.

Generate the code

crosshair generator code

“What a generated code can look like”

Use a generator or find a pro-template

(Evaluate a few different ones to select a favorite and make changes from there)

Copy the code to the clipboard

Select the generated text and click Ctrl+C

(Paste the code into an empty txt file first as a backup)

Paste the code in the in-game console

Bring down the console and click Ctrl+V to paste the code.

Press Enter to activate.

(Don’t forget to enable the console in Steam)

Paste the code inside your auto-exec config

Open the config file in your text editor (Notepad or similar) and paste the code in the end and press Ctrl+S to save your file

(If you want a superior editor, we recommend Notepad++)

Start the game again and load your config file

Bring down the console and execute the config file with “Enter”.

(Remember to test your config against bots before entering a competitive match)


finished crosshair result

Enjoy your fancy new CSGO crosshair! And don’t forget you can always tweak the values afterward to make it perfect. Happy aiming!

What’s the best CS:GO Crosshair Generator?

Here you will find some of the most interesting options available on the internet.

We have researched sources based on tips and recommendations from friends, family, and fools.

CS:GO Crosshairs Generator

CS:GO Crosshairs Generator is a website providing a list of the pro team and player crosshairs, complete with codes to paste into your configuration file.

CS:GO Crosshairs also provide a Crosshair generator tool where users can customize their own look to match their preferred play style.

Fluxarray Crosshair Generator

Fluxarray crosshair generator is a minimalistic and extremely basic tool, made by a person called Fluxarray.

The generator gives you the option to input your monitor resolution, as well as you’re in-game resolution.

You can also choose from an array of sliders to home in on your perfect result. The CS:GO crosshair is then generated into a command string for you to input into your config.cfg file.

Sometimes it is necessary to paste the command in two phases if you are using the in-game console.

Crosshair Generator

Crosshair generator is a CS:GO blog and resource website, claiming to be the #1 resource on the web.

There is also a crosshair generator, which is necessary since they named their whole business venture after the fact.

The generator features a wide variety of sliders for fine-tuning all your crosshair needs.

They also include a preview window so you can see how the crosshair is going to look in-game, in a real-life scenario.

The application also includes a bunch of preset crosshairs to choose from, there are even a few pro player configs to choose from.

You can then wither use the exact preset of tune it even more to your liking.

CS:GOPEDIA crosshair generator

CS:GOPEDIA is another website focusing on a large database of professional CS:GO player gear and configs.

They list most of the top team players and the hardware they use along with many in-game config options.

Also on the service, we find a tool to create CS:GO crosshairs using pro player configs as the base.

Once a player is selected their config is loaded into the tool where you can tweak the loadout or download it directly.

Dathost Tools

Dathost is a game server host focus primarily on CS:GO and TeamSpeak. They host servers for some of the largest esports organizations such as Cloud9 and Complexity.

As a part of their extended offering, there is a CS:GO crosshair Generator tool available on their website.

In addition, there are also a few other tools to help optimize your CS:GO gameplay. An interesting fact is that Dathost has adopted one of the first and most loved crosshair generators by Skarbo. configs

Prosettings is a website and online service offering gear and settings advice for aspiring gamers.

To provide this they collect data from esports pro players from the highest-ranking players in the world.

Hence the real value they offer is CSGO pro crosshair codes from the best and most popular players.

You can use their config by copying the code into CS:GO, either as it is or tweaked to suit your specific preference.

Skarbo Generator Script

The most popular script to run a generator on your website.

A couple of the services listed in this guide has implemented Skarbos code.

The script is publicly available on Github if you want to download and test everything yourself.

The last update was issued in 2018 but since most settings have remained unchanged it should not be a problem in 2020.

Hauptrolle Crosshair Script

Another option to the script above is the cs:go-crosshair-generator from a guy named Hauptroll on Github.

This tool has a more modern interface; however, the functionality reassembles the other options on the market.

Even though the interface is up to date, the code itself is older than Skarbos.

In-Game CSGO Crosshair Generator

Valve introduced an in-game crosshair generator with the patch released in February 2020. Their goal was to provide an accessible solution for inexperienced players, as well as seasoned veterans.

It is easy to tweak your crosshair without using the console and complex commands. It’s even possible to copy configurations from fellow players, after inspecting them during the match.

Accessibility and ease of use are clearly the targets with the release from Valve, and the more advanced settings are still only available through the console.

We can appreciate this approach even though we prefer independent tools made by the community.

The Adventory conclusion

Having a well-optimized crosshair in CS:GO is as important as the strategy, aim, and gaming gear.

The standard crosshair for CS:GO is good enough when you are just starting off.

Some players find it annoying because it’s changing and expanding based on your current spray pattern.

To finish off you can also pick one of the other CS:GO crosshairs available.


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